SOWK 9301 : Introduction to Pedagogy
Focusing on social work curriculum policy and issues, course development and content, teaching techniques, and classroom management. Emphasizing conceptual content, theory, and specific strategies for teaching and evaluation of teaching. Includes residency.
SOWK 9308 : Epistemology and Theories
Conceptualization, development, and application of social work theories. Focuses on philosophical, theoretical, and empirical underpinnings, historical context, and research on effectiveness. Covers theories from diverse disciplines.
SOWK 9311 : Pedagogy of Distance Education
Application of pedagogy to online environments, including curriculum development, technology integration, and student engagement.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9301.
SOWK 9315 : Statistical Methods I
Introduction to tools for analyzing, describing, and interpreting social work research data. Topics include hypothesis testing, inferential statistics, regression, and SPSS statistical software.
SOWK 9319 : Qualitative Research
Introduction to qualitative research paradigms, methods, and field experience in qualitative projects. Focus on epistemologies, data collection, and analysis.
SOWK 9321 : Scholarly Writing and Publication
Development of skills in scholarly writing and proposal preparation, focusing on manuscript publication in peer-reviewed journals. Includes residency.
SOWK 9325 : Statistical Methods II
Advanced statistical methods, including ANCOVA, MANCOVA, Path Analysis, and Factor Analysis.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9315.
SOWK 9330 : Quantitative Research
In-depth understanding of quantitative research design, ethical practices, hypothesis development, sampling strategies, and data collection methods.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9315.
SOWK 9335 : Mixed Methods Research
Overview of mixed methods research combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Emphasizes holistic study of complex social phenomena.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9319 and SOWK 9330.
SOWK 9337 : Social Welfare Policy
Analysis of U.S. social welfare systems, history of social work, and programs addressing poverty and social justice.
SOWK 9342 : Grants and Proposals
Complete grant proposal development, including identifying projects, writing proposals, budget preparation, and submission processes. Includes residency.
SOWK 9345 : Comprehensive
Demonstrates knowledge of specialization areas, key research questions, and implications. Credit/no credit basis only.
Prerequisite: Completion of all prior courses.
SOWK 9352 : Decolonized Pedagogy
Theoretical grounding in writing studies and academic literacy with a focus on (de)colonial and anti-racist frameworks. Prepares students for decolonized approaches in academia.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9311.
SOWK 9366 : Academic Leadership
Examination of leadership and management theories applied in academic institutions. Focus on conceptual frameworks and effective leadership skills.
SOWK 9367 : Proposal Development
Focused support for developing dissertation proposals, emphasizing process over mastery of content.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9164.
SOWK 9164 : Dissertation I
Selection of dissertation committee and topic approval. Pass/fail.
SOWK 9167 : Dissertation II
Completion of literature review, theoretical foundation, and first three chapters of the dissertation proposal.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9164.
SOWK 9369 : Dissertation III
Completion of literature review, theoretical underpinning, methods section, and defense of the dissertation proposal. Includes residency.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9167.
SOWK 9372 : Dissertation IV
Data collection and/or data analysis for dissertation approval. Pass/fail.
Prerequisite: SOWK 9369.
SOWK 9183 : Dissertation V
Data analysis and finalization of all dissertation chapters for approval. Pass/fail. Prerequisite: SOWK 9372. May be repeated for credit if students do not transition to candidacy.