COUN 8302: Counseling Theories
Explore major theories and techniques of professional counseling. Evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques will be stressed as you develop your own personal model of counseling.
COUN 7735: Human Development Across the Lifespan
Explore the process and stages of human intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development from prenatal origins through geriatric maturity including theories of individual and family development, learning, and personality development.
You’ll learn impacts on human development, such as systemic, environmental, crisis, trauma, or differing abilities, as well as ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness across the lifespan.
COUN 6360: Research Methods and Program Evaluation
Examine counseling-related research techniques, methodologies, and practices including basic statistical and qualitative analysis, outcome measures, program evaluation, data analysis, application, and evidence-based practices.
COUN 8314: Multicultural Issues in Counseling
The development of knowledge, skills, and approaches for effective cross-cultural counseling such as: cultural identity development, multicultural counseling competencies, social justice and advocacy, including studies of change, ethnic groups, gender studies, family systems, urban and rural societies, population patterns, cultural patterns, spiritual beliefs, the effects of power and privilege, and differing lifestyles.
COUN 6330: Career Counseling
Explore career counseling development, theories of career choice, and career counseling issues throughout the lifespan. You’ll also examine use of occupational testing and computer-assisted guidance systems, sources of educational and occupational information, career decision-making processes, and services provided in schools and agencies.
COUN 8310: Ethical Issues in Counseling
Explore the legal and ethical considerations when making a decision specific to clinical mental health and school counseling, including record keeping, documentation, third-party reimbursement, business law, family law, state education codes, state LPC Board rules, appropriate use of technology, privileged communication, and informed consent processes.
COUN 6325: Assessment and Appraisal
An introduction to measurement theory including standardization of test administration and scoring procedures, assessment of test reliability and validity, norm- and criterion-referenced assessments. Review of commonly used individual and group administered instruments that measure attitudes, aptitudes, achievements, interests, and personal characteristics. Students will also understand ethical and legal issues related to assessment and testing.
COUN 7337: Clinical Diagnosis
Gain an understanding of dysfunction in human behavior or social disorganization, including etiology, nomenclature, treatment, referral, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders. Explore characteristics, risk factors, and warning signs of clients at risk for mental health and behavioral disorders, including suicide risk assessment, and the impacts of crisis, trauma, and abuse.
Pre-requisite for COUN 8370.
COUN 6315: Professional Orientation & Ethics
Be introduced to the history and development of the counseling profession, including its professional standards, codes of ethics, credentials, professional organizations, areas of specialization, and program evaluation. You’ll also review the counselor’s consultative role and identity in multidisciplinary teams and advocacy.
COUN 8370: Couple and Family Counseling
Explore theoretical foundations and skill development for counseling couples and families while providing key concepts, techniques, strengths-based approaches, therapeutic process, and consultation skills with families and parents.
COUN 8317: Interventions with Abnormal Behaviors
Review mental health service delivery modalities within the continuum of care such as inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment, and aftercare. You’ll explore evidence-based strategies and interventions, including psychopharmacological approaches indicated in the treatment of mental disorders.
COUN 8360: Addictions in Counseling
Understanding of physiological, emotional, cultural, social, and physical factors related to addictions. Exploration of counseling treatment strategies and biopsychosocial interventions applicable to the issues related to gambling, sexual, eating, alcohol, or drug addictions.