COUN 6315 : Professional Orientation and Ethics
Introduction to the history and development of the counseling profession, including its professional standards, codes of ethics, credentials, professional organizations, areas of specialization, and program evaluation. Review of the counselor’s consultative role and identity in multidisciplinary teams and in advocacy for the profession. (3 Hours)
COUN 6325 : Assessment and Appraisal
Introduction to measurement theory including standardization of test administration and scoring procedures, assessment of test reliability and validity, norm referenced and criterion referenced assessments. Review of commonly used individual and group administered instruments that measure attitudes, aptitudes, achievements, interests, and personal characteristics. Students will also understand cultural, ethical and legal issues related to assessment and testing. (3 Hours)
COUN 6330 : Career Counseling
Exploration of career counseling development, theories of career choice, career counseling issues throughout the lifespan, use of occupational testing and computer-assisted guidance systems, sources of educational and occupational information, career decision-making processes, and services provided in schools and agencies. (3 Hours)
COUN 6360 : Research Methods and Program Evaluation
Examination of counseling related research techniques, methodologies, and practices including basic statistical and qualitative analysis, outcome measures, program evaluation, data analysis, application, and evidence-based practices. (3 Hours)
COUN 7335 : Human Development across the Life Span
Exploration of the process and stages of human intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development from prenatal origins tough geriatric maturity. Includes theories of learning and individual, family, and personality development. Explores the impact on human development, such as systemic, environmental, crisis, trauma, or differing abilities. Focus on ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness across the lifespan. (3 Hours)
COUN 7337 : Clinical Diagnosis
Understanding of dysfunction in human behavior or social disorganization to include, etiology, nomenclature, treatment, referral, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders. Characteristics, risk factors, and warning signs of clients at risk for mental health and behavioral disorders, including suicide risk assessment, and the impacts of crisis, trauma, and abuse will be addressed. (3 Hours)
COUN 8302 : Counseling Theories
Exploration of the major theories and techniques of professional counseling. Evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques will be stressed. Students begin developing a personal model of counseling. (3 Hours)
COUN 8310 : Ethical Issues in Counseling
Exploration of legal and ethical considerations including ethical decision making specific to clinical mental health and school counseling, including record keeping, documentation, third party reimbursement, business law, family law, state education codes, state LPC Board rules, appropriate use of technology, privileged communication, and informed consent processes (3 Hours)
COUN 8312 : Group Dynamics in Counseling
Exploration of the theoretical foundations of group counseling including group dynamics and development, factors contributing to group effectiveness, group leadership characteristics, group formation, types of groups, ethics, and cultural considerations. Participation in on-line synchronous small group activities for a minimum of 10 clock hours is required. (3 Hours)
COUN 8314 : Multicultural Counseling
Development of knowledge, skills, and approaches for effective cross-cultural counseling such as cultural identity development, multicultural counseling competencies, social justice and advocacy, including studies of change, ethnic groups, gender studies, family systems, urban and rural societies, population patterns, cultural patterns, spiritual beliefs, the effects of power and privilege, and differing lifestyles. (3 Hours)
COUN 8317 : Interventions with Abnormal Behaviors
Review mental health service delivery modalities within the continuum of care such as inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment and aftercare. Explore evidence-based strategies and interventions, including psychopharmacological approaches indicated in the treatment of mental disorders. (3 Hours) Prerequisite(s): COUN 7337
COUN 8334 : Rehabilitation Service Delivery and Case Management
Address the delivery of rehabilitation services across settings (e.g., State/Federal Vocational Rehabilitation, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Transition from School to Work, Private for Profit Rehabilitation, Forensic Rehabilitation, Substance Abuse Rehabilitation, Veterans Rehabilitation), including the roles and functions of rehabilitation counselors in different settings. (3 Hours)
COUN 8338 : Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Practicum
Closely supervised experience in the practical application and integration of principles and techniques at an approved setting where the student will provide rehabilitation counseling services to individuals with disabilities (client population served may include physical, learning, developmental, psychiatric disabilities, or substance dependencies). Students gain a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the clinical rehabilitation counselor. Required synchronous group supervision supplements the site experience. This course requires a minimum of 40 direct service hours and a minimum of 100 total hours. (3 Hours). Prerequisite(s): COUN 6315, COUN 8301, COUN 8310, COUN 8312, COUN 8334, COUN 8352, COUN 8314
COUN 8346 : Medical & Psychosocial Aspects of Disability
Overview of the medical aspects of major disabilities and their effects upon social, vocational, personal, and economic adjustment. Topics explored will include impact of biological and neurological mechanisms on disability; impact of discrimination and cultural factors relevant to those with disabilities; environmental, attitudinal and individual barriers; assistive technology to reduce/eliminate barriers and functional limitations; and classification, indications, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications for referrals and consultations. (3 Hours)
COUN 8352 : Pre-Practicum: Basic Interview Skills
Development of methods or techniques used to provide counseling treatment interventions for individual clients, including the practice of counseling skills and guidance curriculum to help clients set and attain challenging educational, career, personal, and social goals. (3 Hours) Prerequisite(s): COUN 8302 or consent of instructor.
COUN 8360 : Addictions Counseling
Understanding of physiological, emotional, cultural, social, and physical factors related to addictions. Exploration of counseling treatment strategies and biopsychosocial interventions applicable to the issues related to gambling, sexual, eating, alcohol, or drug addictions. (3 Hours) Prerequisite(s): COUN 8302, COUN 8312, COUN 8352
COUN 8368 : Introduction to Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
Examines the legislative, historical, and philosophical roots of rehabilitation counseling, includes professional organizations, preparation standards, credentials, roles, and settings of rehabilitation counselors; etiology & terminology relevant to rehabilitation; screening and assessment instruments for individuals with disabilities; relationship between clinical rehab counseling and medical and allied health professionals including interdisciplinary treatment teams; theories and models related to rehabilitation counseling; service delivery systems; support services within the continuum of care including family; legal and ethical considerations specific to clinical rehabilitation counseling; professional issues that affect rehabilitation counselors including advocacy. (3 Hours)
COUN 8370 : Couple and Family Counseling
Exploration of theoretical foundations and skill development for counseling couples and families. Provides key concepts, techniques, strengths-based approaches, therapeutic process, and consultation skills with parents, families and caregivers. (3 Hours) Prerequisite(s): COUN 8302, COUN 8352
COUN 8375 : Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Internship 1
Closely supervised experience in the practical application and integration of principles and techniques at an approved setting where the student will provide rehabilitation counseling services to individuals with disabilities (client population served may include physical, learning, developmental, psychiatric disabilities, and substance dependencies). Students build on the skills they developed in practicum and gain a more in-depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the clinical rehabilitation counselor. Required synchronous group supervision supplements the site experience. Students must complete a minimum of 120 direct service hours and a minimum of 300 total hours. Students who complete a minimum of 300 total hours internship must repeat the course to complete the required 600 hours of internship. (3 Hours) Prerequisite(s): COUN 8338
COUN 8600 : Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Internship 2
Closely supervised experience in the practical application and integration of principles and techniques at an approved setting where the student will provide rehabilitation counseling services to individuals with disabilities (client population served may include physical, learning, developmental, psychiatric disabilities, and substance dependencies). Students build on the skills they developed in practicum and gain a more in-depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the clinical rehabilitation counselor. Required synchronous group supervision supplements the site experience. Students must complete a minimum of 240 direct service hours and a minimum of 600 hours in internship. This course requires approval from the clinical coordinator and is reserved for students at an approved clinical field experience site that requires a 600 hour internship.. (6 Hours) Prerequisite(s): COUN 8338
Regarding Internships
Students are required to complete a minimum of 600 hours of internship in COUN 8375 or COUN 8600
Students can complete a minimum of 600 hours in COUN 8360, this will meet the program minimum hourly requirement of 600 hours for internship.
Students completing 300 hours in COUN 8375 will repeat this course for credit and 300 additional hours of internship.